Page 2 - Phonics-1
P. 2

‘Learning Booster’ focuses on ‘Learning by Doing’                   and provides various ac vi es
          to enhance learning.

                                                                                             CVC word wheels
                                                                                             introduced. These (sound
          Understanding of                                                                   blends) help students put
          two letter words                                                                   letters and sounds
          in the initial stage.                                                              together and form words
                                                                                             and read them.

                                                                                             Reading enhanced
                                                                                             through short stories.
            Introduction to                        Short exercises on application
            rebus sentences.                       of word knowledge.

                                       Rhyming words
                                       are taken care of.

                                                                                          Real life based pictures
                                                                                          to excite young learners.

                                        CVC words with short
                                        sound of each vowel have                               Various exercises to help
                                        been covered intensively.                              reinforcement of concepts.
                                                                                               It also aids in fine motor

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